A Conversation with Jenny Czinder

September 12, 2016

A Conversation with Jenny Czinder

The first time I saw Jenny Czinder on a motorcycle I was left speechless. She rips through landscapes and roars down open roads, she is right out of a dream and makes being alive look like a party I would never want to miss. We wanted to know more about the person behind these iconic images so we sat down and asked her a few questions.

RCC: How many miles have you put on your bike in the last year?

JC: In the past year I’ve put about 10K miles on my Harley Nightster (I call her my Broomstick) and 2K on my boyfriends Harley Street Bob. I borrowed his bike for a trip because it’s set up for travel better than mine is. I’ve got my eye on the Harley Low Rider for future long hauls though. The Low Rider would be in addition to my Sporty, as she’s my first bike, and I’m still super obsessed with her. Plus, you can never have too many toys.

RCC: In the last few years there has been a huge increase of ladies getting on their own bikes. Statistically more than ever. Do you think its because of things like Instagram where a woman can see images of other women riding and say to themselves “That looks like so much fun and look she is doing it - I can do that”? What inspired you to start riding?

JC: I was inspired to ride after spending some time on the back of my boyfriends bike. I got bored being a passenger pretty quickly, and learning to ride just sounded like a lot of fun. At the time I hadnt seen that many girls on bikes, and definitely had no idea motorcycles would become such a huge part of my life.

I absolutely think social media has shown women that riding a motorcycle is more approachable than they may have thought. That its not just for dudes, and that it is FUN! And the best part is that this has gone beyond social media for a lot of people, and lead to some great friendships in real life.

RCC: Many of your images are highly sexualized, I personally think it must be empowering to harness that kind of sex appeal, but do you ever get backlash from the wider community of lady motorcyclists out there? If so - how do you respond?

JC: I used to be insecure about certain aspects of my body but I decided I didnt want those insecurities to hold me back from things I wanted to do, like modeling or just runnin around free & naked at home or out in nature. So I kinda forced myself to do those things, even though it felt a little uncomfortable, and found that the more I exposed my insecurities the more I accepted them. Eventually they grew to no longer have such a strong hold on me, and I feel thats where my empowerment comes from. From overcoming some fears and replacing that with a feeling of carefreedom.

I definitely get backlash for my sexualized posts, and for the times I may ride unprotected, claiming I’m setting bad example. It comes from all kinds of people though, not just other women riders.

I think Id be setting an even worse example if I stopped being myself due to the judgement of others. When I choose to ride unprotected for a photoshoot, or if its just hot as balls out, that's a choice I'm making for that moment. There are plenty of other situations in which I feel more comfortable riding more protected, and there are photo of that out there, too. Im not an advocate for riding one way or the other. I just do what I feel in the moment, and Id rather stay true to myself and hopefully inspire others to do the same, regardless of what A-holes out there have to say about it.

Ultimately, Ive had so many positive experiences with social media - getting inspired by others, laughing and making new friends - that I prefer not to indulge much in the negativity some people choose to perpetuate.

RCC:  In all of your Journeys over the years is there a particular time that stays with you, like best time ever? What about worst time ever?

JC: The best time ever was the cross country ride I did for Harley Davidson last summer. A group of girlfriends and I rode motorcycles from NYC to SF over the course of a month. We rode through some of the most beautiful areas of the country, and through some of the most gnarly weather. That trip taught me a lot about myself, and riding of course.

The worst times end up being the best times. Ive had some unfortunate experiences traveling, as Im sure most people who travel a lot have, but because they can be some of the most trying, they are therefore the most rewarding. In the end, thats the shit you remember and smile about most. Good experiences or bad, it's all a part of the adventure and makes life way more interesting.

RCC: 5 things you can’t live without?

JC: Transcendental Meditation, my family, my boops, my Broomstick, sparkles!

RCC: What does the Future hold for you?

JC: Strange Vacation, the womens motorcycle apparel brand I own / operate with my partner, Kelly Wehner, is my future! Our collection, at its core, is based on classic silhouettes that are designed for riding, but with a modern look. Working on Strange Vacation is super fulfilling for me. It allows me to work and be creative with my best friend, ride my motorcycle, support the womens riding community, travel, meet new people… the list could go on. Since our launch last Oct weve gained really great traction which perpetuates both of our excitement for the future of the brand, and weve set a course to take over the motorcycle / fashion world. 

More about Jenny:

Instagram: @hookersandpopcorn

Photography by:
Lana McNaughton // @
fevvvvaa // www.womensmotoexhibit.com
Trippe Davis // @TrippeDavis // www.trippedavis.com
Yve Assad // @yveassad // www.yvephoto.com & Bobbi Rich // @mamahotdog 
Asher Moss // @basementfox // www.ashermoss.com
Sydney Fox // @foxoclock // www.sydneyfoxphotography.com




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